
  • Hidden-Coast-Surf-Nosara-Surf-Coaching-Technical-Surf-Coaching-Guiones-Surfing-Paradise-Surf-Coaching-Nosara-Vacation-Rental-Nosara-costa-rica
    In this blog we’re going to talk about the old cliche of process versus outcome and what to focus on. There are probably literally millions of articles discussing this on the internet. This concept, though overplayed is actually really applicable when it comes to progressing in your surfing. So how does it relate to surf coaching?  First of all, what this means specifically is, when trying to learn new a skill in surfing, we try
  • Hidden-Coast-Surf-Nosara-Surf-Coaching-Technical-Surf-Coaching-Guiones-Surfing-Paradise-Surf-Coaching-Nosara-Vacation-Rental-Nosara-costa-rica
    Learning to surf is a long term goal. It takes time. It can be a challenging road. Fraught with difficulty and frustration but spotted with moments of pure, blissful joy. The reason for this is that surfing is heavily centred around psychological punishment and reward. Do something right, you get rewarded with a dopamine hit, do something wrong and fall and you can suffer frustration and impatience. The ability to delay gratification is key for success in surfing.
  • Hidden-Coast-Surf-Nosara-Surf-Coaching-Technical-Surf-Coaching-Guiones-Surfing-Paradise-Surf-Coaching-Nosara-Vacation-Rental-Nosara-costa-rica
    Why the size of your board (and your ego) matters when it comes to progressing in surfing. As a surf coach I find myself often confronted with a common sell. Surfboard size: getting people to ride bigger boards. So here’s the deal, the shortboard revolution planted a seed in everybody’s head. And that seed was that smaller is better. Often the smallest possible board you can ride. The peak of this happened in the 90s